Project 1 Food for health

Produto final: postagem e comentários em fórum on-line para debater sobre comida e hábitos alimentares.

Gênero discursivo: postagem e comentários em fórum on-line.

Tema: saúde e hábitos alimentares.

Os objetivos deste projeto são:

  • participar de debates em fóruns on láine sobre comida e hábitos alimentares;
  • pensar criticamente sobre a fórma como hábitos alimentares impactam na qualidade de vida e na saúde;
  • familiarizar-se com elementos linguísticos e comportamentais relacionados a comunicações interpessoais;
  • praticar novas fórmas de comunicação escrita, como abreviações, pictogramas e símbolos gráficos.

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Dietary Guidelines for Adolescents (13-18 years)

MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE/MAURITIUS INSTITUTE OF HEALTH/WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Dietary guidelines for the prevention of NCDs in Mauritius. Ministry of Health and Quality of Life/MIH/WHO, 2002. página6.

  1. I


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Infográfico. Título: Healthy Food for Life. The Food Pyramid. Uma pirâmide com seis níveis diferentes, de cima para baixo, da menor para maior. Texto: For adults, teenagers and children aged five and over. Not needed for good health. Foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt. Maximum once or twice a week. NOT every day. Ilustração de doces, um lata de refrigerante e tablet de chocolate. Needed for good health. Enjoy a variety every day. Fats, spreads and oils: In very small amounts. Ilustração. Uma garrafa de óleo, um pote de maionese, um pote de margarina e outros. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts. Two servings a day. Ilustração. Pratos com alimentos: pedaços de carnes, frango, dois ovos, feijões de cor marrom e outros. Milk, yogurt and cheese. Three servings a day, five for children age nine to twelve and teenagers age thirteen to eighteen. Ilustração. Dois pratos, um com queijo branco e outro com queijo amarelo, um copo com leite e dois potes de iogurte. Whole meal cereals and breads, potatoes, pasta and rice, three to five, asterisk, Servings a day, Up to seven, asterisk, for teenage boys and men age nineteen to fifty. Ilustração. Pratos brancos com cereais, pães e duas batatas em bege. Vegetables, salad and fruit. Five to seven Servings a day. Ilustração. Duas cenouras laranjas, dois pratos brancos vegetação em verde, copo com suco laranja, frutas: uma maçã, banana, morangos e uvas. Texto: asterisk, Daily Servings Guide  whole meal cereals and breads, potatoes, pasta and rice. Tabela: Active: Mulher: Child, five to twelve, three to four. Teenager, thirteen to eighteen, four, Adult, nineteen to fifty, Four to five, Adult, fifty-one plus, Three to four, Tabela: Inactive: Mulher: Teenager, thirteen to eighteen, three, Adult, nineteen to fifty, Three to four, Adult, fifty-one plus, three. Homem: Teenager, thirteen to eighteen Four to five, Adult, nineteen to fifty, Four to six, Adult, fifty-one plus, Four. There is no guideline for inactive children as it is essential that all children are active. Source: Department of Health. December two thousand and sixteen. No canto inferior direito, há um ícone de copo com o texto: Drink at least eight cups of fluid a day, water is best. Ao lado direito, outro ícone, de tênis, com texto: Get Active! To maintain a healthy weight, adults need at least thirty minutes a day of moderate activity on five days a week, or one hundred and fifty minutes a week; children need to be active at a moderate to vigorous level for at least sixty minutes every day.


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Reprodução de página da internet.

Healthy eating for teenagers

Fotografia. Vista do alto de folha verde na horizontal, com alimentos. À esquerda, um pote redondo de cor bege, com molho em bege-claro. À direita, um pote redondo em bege e sopa de cor amarela. Perto, um alimento de massa enrolada em formato de tubo em bege-claro na horizontal. Na ponta da direita, grãos em marrom. Ao fundo, grãos e folhas em marrom.

There are a lot of definitions for the words “healthy eating”, no doubt, but there is usually something missing in most definitions. The apt way to explain what healthy eating entails is to start from the very beginning.

Look at it this way: as a teenager or even as an adult, you have a body and you need to constantly renew your energy level, right? Well, there you have it. You constantly need to eat to replenish your body reserves, okay, but you need to eat the right kinds of foods to keep the strength level actually up to par, and also to provide yourself with the nourishment level needed. Well, this has been written to help you out in your healthy eating habits. There would be explanations on what a healthy meal encompasses, what it entails and the components you cannot do without. The thing is, if you actually take the pains to eat well, you can be sure to get a lot more output from your body.

Reasons for wanting to eat healthy:

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This much being said, what actually is healthy eating? Well, the following points would help you get a better idea as to what healthy eating actually means.

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PARENTING NATION. Healthy eating for teenagers. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 maio 2022.


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Versão adaptada acessível

Atividade 1, b.

After planning, reproduce the following chart and complete it with the missing information.

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For the written production

What is the final product?Online forum posts and comments to debate about food and eating habits.

What is the discursive genre?Online forum posts and comments.

What is the objective? To debate on an online forum, writing posts and comments with opinions on topics related to food.

What is the theme? Food and nutrition (health food choices, health food vs. junk food, and food at school).

At whom is it aimed?At the school community and students’ families.

How and where is it going to be published? On an online forum (or posted on the school’s bulletin board if internet access is not available).

Who is going to participate?The whole class, organized into groups.

What materials/resources are going to be used?

When is it going to be published?

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    2. etcétera

hénds ón

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istép béqui

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djóinin aidías

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